The Meadows at Windsor Gardens

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The Professional Care You Deserve

Windsor Gardens of Georgetown is a professionally licensed memory care community, meaning we’re prepared to provide you with care that will exceed your expectations.

With memory care, our residents spend less time worrying about taking care of themselves so they can spend more time exploring their intellectual, physical, and spiritual horizons.

You Can Count on Us

Taking care of yourself, your home, or a loved one can become tedious and overwhelming. If you’re ready to experience a calm, secure, and fulfilling life, let us help you.

Explore our gallery and floorplans to check out what’s available at Windsor Gardens of Georgetown.

Why Choose Us

Enjoy retirement in our thoughtfully designed apartments without the hassle of regular maintenance. You’ll be able to relax and savor every second of life at Windsor Gardens of Georgetown.

Gallery & Floorplans

There’s always something exciting happening in our community. We offer a variety of activities and a full calendar of events so residents have the opportunity to socialize with loved ones, explore old hobbies, or try something new.

Services & Amenities

Here at Windsor Gardens of Georgetown, we are immensely proud of our veterans. With hope, love, and faith, we honor and recognize our veterans every day.

Our Community

Our Gallery


Contact Us

Our Address

  • 100 Windsor Path
  • Georgetown, Kentucky 40324


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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